Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Man Without a Country

I somewhat doubt a new Vonnegut book needs a plug, but if you were curious about it being worth yr time, I will assure that it is. Short essays, you can finish the book in no time, it is right on/hilarious/sad and charming. It gives you that perspective change that reading a buddhist book will give you, you think different, act different while reading it. Many pieces of wisdom to be had;
"What has allowed so many PPs(psychopathic personalities) to rise so high in corporations, and now in government, is that they are so decisive. They are going to do something every fuckin' day and they are not afraid. Unlike normal people, they are never filled with doubts, for the simple reason that they don't give a fuck what happens next."
"Evolution can go to hell as far as I am concerned. What a mistake we are. we have wounded this sweet life-supporting planet- the only one in the whole milky way- with a century of transportation whoopee."
"I have this to say in defense of humankind: In no matter what era in history, including the Garden of Eden, everybody just got here."
Although he's quite negative about the state of the world, he's generally pretty cheery when it comes to day-to-day life, reminds us to take notice when things are good. If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.


Blogger ariel said...

i wouldn't have left so glowing of a review for this book. i thought it was good, a pleasant read, definitely some segments that had to be read aloud to whoever was in earshot,(especially if they were a vonnegut fan, which they most certainly must be...) but i think it could be skipped. for instance, one might re-read cat's cradle or sirens of titan instead.
i think maybe i just appreciate vonnegut more in a fiction realm where his agenda is cloaked in something more surreal. i enjoy his perspective, but it seems too casual in this book.
the fact is i love the content, i'd just rather hear it from the old hoolagan himself sitting in a rocker over some ovaltine. in a book, meh.

12:53 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

i really liked that it was outside of the land of make-believe because it didn't have to be masked by anything, he could just say it straight-up. i don't think it's a must-read or anything, but it really struck me for some reason. i usually get fed-up by the repetition in his non-fiction, so it was a little surprising to me that i dug it. it is really casual, though, some will probably think that it's kind of a cheap book to put out.

10:57 AM  

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